Before revising a course, take time to look for opportunities to take out the fat or bloat. Over time, we tend to add nice to know information, extra handouts, anecdotal readings and other content adjacent activities and resources. Where to start:
1. Ideally, look across your program for goal and outcome redundancy. An outcome that scales from basic to proficient across several courses is not redundant.
2. Next, make sure your lectures, activities, and assessments align to course and lesson outcomes. Take out the nice to know and leave the need to know.
3. If you are familiar with LEML, a learning environment modeling language, map our your course and lessons. This will help you identify visually, gaps in your lessons and course and provide opportunities to add engagement and feedback. Using both a lesson map and a lesson plan (the focus of this course) is especially valuable when creating a hybrid course offered as HyFlex delivery.